Product recommendations for easy & beautiful adult coloring results. I have included a variety of different products in my recommendations and each of these can be used for any level of coloring skill. I have been using some of these products for years and feel very comfortable recommending them for use by all levels of colorists. With this small batch of tools you can achieve beautiful, realistic, creative results.
The DreamCatcher Gel Pens is one of my new go to products. I love the way they go on and I can use pencil over the top or below with no issues. In the Botanical Tiles page I used only the neon shades and while it is not reflected well in this scan the shades are so bright they just glow.

Botanical Tiles From Be Inspired: Adult Coloring Book Volume 1
The below two images I used Prismacolor Coloring Pencils only. On the first image, I colored the interior of each leaf with the color I wanted to be the most vivid and I worked my way out toward the edge of each leaf. Then I went over each leaf with a light green to blend the colors together. My two favorite things about Prismacolor Pencils is the rich colors and the superior blending ability. In addition, I can get completely custom colors by blending multiple colors together.

Leaf Wind From Be Inspired: Adult Coloring Book Volume 1
For this image (Sunrise Swirl) everything was about blending. I wanted a gradual flow from color to color. In some cases I used the previous color as either a highlight or for shading and white was my go to blender. This gave me an almost glowing effect on some of the darker areas without losing the vibrancy of the colors.

Sunrise Swirl From Be Inspired: Adult Coloring Book Volume 1
I have yet to do an image with just Staedtler Fineliner Markers. I just love these bright colors and I always use them under pencils to add richness to my pencil colors. The below image I colored entirely with Staedtler markers first and then I went over the top with Prismacolor Pencils. This just makes the colors brighter. I loved the effect and I was able to get a really interesting result with the woven background by using this technique.

Woven Tendrils From Be Inspired: Free Giveaway
The below image I used 100% Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils. I colored the darker shades first and then applied the lighter color over the top. This gave me a very nice blending effect. I like to blend a lot so with these oil based pencils this technique works really well and doesn’t take a long time to get good results.

Zendoodle From Be Inspired: Adult Coloring Book Volume 1
Good luck with your coloring and send us some pictures so we can add them to our Gallery.
Also note: I have not had a chance to try out the Art n Fly Gel Pens, but here is a great review on them. I have heard good things about them and for the price I think they are a good choice. Unfortunately the DreamCatcher Gel Pens in the article are no longer available at Amazon. I will find another source for this, but the Art n Fly Gel Pens may be a good alternative.
Update: DreamCatcher Gel Pens are now available at Amazon again, I have updated the link in the article, I have ordered a packages of the Art n Fly Gel Pen. I will update this post with my review.