Creative Habits To Start


They say that habits are formed in 21 days of consistently doing a certain thing. There are several habits that you can start today that are in the creative realm, and can help you emotionally and with your creative outlets.

  1. One of the things that you can do on a daily basis is to color.  As you know, we draw imagery for coloring books and love all things coloring related.  Not only have we grown an attachment to coloring, but we have learned of the many health benefits that coloring has.  By coloring on a daily basis, you are participating in a form of meditation and therapy.  This can help you mentally and emotionally by clearing your mind and putting you in a relaxing state which will open you up to more creativity and clarity of thought.
  2. Another creative habit that you can start today is trying something new every day.  If you get into the habit of trying new things, your creativity will flourish in a way that you’ve never expected, and you will love the way that you see things. Trying new things can open new doors, teach you, and inspire you.  We challenge you to try something new every day to spark your creative side.
  3. One of our favorite creative habits is to do morning pages. If you are not familiar with morning pages, morning pages is something that you do every single morning, and it is a way for you to get your thoughts on paper.  You write down everything you are thinking and feeling, and it is something that you can get creative with.  It is a way that you can get your thoughts on creativity and feelings onto paper, and it can help you move past creative blocks as well and if you are not feeling the words just draw, doodle, tangle, or put color on the page.  All of these techniques will help you.
  4. A very common creative habit is bullet journaling, and this is something that you can find a great deal of information about if you get on Pinterest.  Bullet journaling is a style of planning, but it is a bit more creative and fun.  If you incorporate this habit into your daily schedule, you can put your creativity to work while keeping up with daily tasks.  There are different types of bullet journals that you can find, and you can see the variations if you do a search for bullet journals online.  You can build your own journal and use it for personal tasks, tasks for your home, and work. It is a great way to get organized and to start a new habit.  Click here for a few free pages we have designed.

Having creative habits that you do on a frequent basis are going to help you to keep your creativity flowing. This will help you to ensure that you do not reach creative blocks and have a hard time staying focused on creativity. These are great ways to experiment with different things and see what works best for you and your lifestyle.



creative habits

creative habits