creative doubt

We all know how hard it is to come up with an idea, start planning something, and then follow through while ignoring doubt.  You likely have experienced the same thing as many others, like people around you having doubt in something that you want, or want to do, or not feeling inspired, or convinced you have a good idea.  This happens more frequently than you might think, and today we want to tell you how to ditch your creative doubt, and start doing what you want to do today to keep your creativity flowing and to keep a smile on your face.

How to ditch creative doubt

  1. Realize that you can do it.  Whatever it is that you want to do, maybe you can’t do it right now for various reasons.  Maybe you don’t have the proper resources and maybe you don’t have the skill to do this thing that you want to do.  However, you can obtain the resources, and you can learn the skills.  No matter what it is that is holding you back from doing the creative task that you want to do, you can do whatever it is that is on your mind.  Take a step toward your goal.  Even if it is a small one.  Any progress is better than no progress.
  2. The next thing that you need to do to ditch your creative doubt, is to realize that you can prove to your self and everyone around you wrong. Maybe there are people around you who don’t understand or realize what you are trying to do, and maybe they won’t support your decision.  Of course that is going to increase the amount of doubt that you have and make it even harder for you to believe in yourself.  Consider this, when Thomas Edison was inventing the light bulb, everyone thought he was crazy for what he was trying to do.  He made over 3000 attempts to create the light bulb as we know it today.  He proved everyone wrong though, and he conquered his creative doubt.  If he didn’t realize that he could prove everyone wrong, then we wouldn’t have electric lights today.
  3. Another thing that you can do to ditch your creative doubt is to create a strategy and plan of exactly how you are going to execute the creative task.  If you need to learn a certain skill to nail down the creative task you are trying to complete, it may help to write out a plan.  Maybe you will work 20 minutes every day to learn your task.  You can plan this and put it into your everyday routine, and by having this strategy it can help you to stay on task.  Not only will this help you to gain what you need to ditch your creative doubt, but it will also give you more confidence because you have achieved a task that was on your to-do list.
  4. Kick your creative doubt out the window, realize that you can prove to yourself and others, and you will be surprised at what can happen.  Of course we all have doubts and of course everything won’t go exactly as we planned.  Maybe you are afraid that you won’t be as good as someone else or that you can’t create like they do.  Guess what?  You can do even better than them, and you can do more than them.  The best part about creativity is that it can be whatever you want it to be and it can be more than you ever dreamed about it being.  You have a unique perspective and that makes you special and what you bring to the table special.  You can create something that no one has ever seen, but you can’t do it if you don’t try.  So take the doubt you have and throw it in the trash, because it is going to hold you back from doing the most amazing things.  We believe in you and your creativity.  Go create something beautiful!


creative doubt

How to ditch creative doubt


Once you have ditched your doubt, check out our article on unleashing your creativity